Alert: FinCEN has learned of fraudulent attempts to solicit information from individuals and entities who may be subject to reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act.
These fraudulent scams may include:
Please be on the lookout for anything that may indicate correspondence you receive is fraudulent. For example, be cautious of any of the following:
Please be advised that the following statement that previously appeared at “ (Beneficial Ownership Information Report) is an officially authorized service provider with the US Government or the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)” was false.
Use caution when you receive correspondence from an unknown party. Verify the sender. Never give personal information, including regarding beneficial ownership to anyone unless you trust the other party.
FinCEN issued a public alert on December 18, 2024, to raise awareness of fraud schemes abusing FinCEN’s name, insignia, and authorities for financial gain—including scams that exploit beneficial ownership reporting. Learn more about these schemes and where to report them here.
Please go to my previous blog post here for how to fill out the BOI for FREE should you choose to voluntarily.
Magnolia Bookkeeping & Notary Services, LLC